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day 07


Revelations 12:11 (ESV): And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

daily devotional

Revelation 12:11(ESV) says: 

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

True spiritual victory cannot be found in self-help books, religious rules, or through faith formulas. Jesus didn’t die simply to usher in a new covenant of moralistic deism. 

As theologian Arthur Pink once said,

“Jesus didn’t die to make bad people good. He died to make dead people live!” … 

We don’t find our victory in doing better or trying harder.

We don’t find our victory in striving or serving God.

We serve God because of HIS victory.

We serve God because of HIM making a way for us to walk in victory. 

We have the ability to be embraced in His victory because He willingly embraced what most would call defeat.

He chose to endure the ridicule.

He chose to endure the rage.

He chose to endure the battle.

He chose to endure the cross.

We get to declare victory because He declared it was finished. 

It’s by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony. 

When the battle rages, we declare His goodness.

When the battle rages, we declare His glory.

When the battle rages, we declare He alone is God.

We choose to deny self and die to self, so to be raised in resurrection power.

We now walk in new identity, new life, and new authority.

It’s in His name, by His power, and for His glory.

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony.


Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me. It was a cross that I deserved.
I was guilty; You were innocent. I was broken; You were whole.
I was empty; You were full. Yet, Jesus, You willingly and humbly poured yourself out, on my behalf.

You chose to be broken so I could be made whole. You willingly chose to be emptied so that I could be filled. Your blood not only secured and promised me forgiveness, but Your blood promised me that, in Your Name, I could have the power to stand, live, and walk in Your authority, in Your victory. Praise Your holy name! Thank You for Your blood, Jesus.
My declaration is the goodness of my God!

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