Flood Of Love desires to come alongside people helping them live into their missional passion and purpose. We are the hands and feet of Jesus to the community through local schools, businesses, the county, and mission organizations. We work to support families of this community, individually and through our local schools, serving during disaster relief, helping with food drives, backpack drives or our annual Give Wall! We need community and our community needs a Flood Of Love.
Angel Reach is a mission breaking the generational cycle of abuse, neglect, and homelessness by equipping aged-out foster youth and homeless youth to live independently as well as providing critical services and support to relatives doing their best to keep children out of the foster care system. Angel Reach’s mission is to make a difference and help transform their lives.
Contact Name: Jean Radach
Email: jean.radach@angelreach.org
Horizons office: 512-736-6713
Horizon International is a ministry providing love to the unloved, teaching the untaught, reaching the unreached, share the Gospel of Christ with the world. With this in mind and heart they discipleship the Muslim background believers/leaders to reach their people in multiple locations (Bulgaria, Greece, Lebanon, Macedonia, Turkey, etc).
Contact Name: Yuksel Kurada / Dijle Kurada
Email: Dijle@horizonsinternational.org
Horizons office: 303-442-3333
Lighthouse Community Outreach's mission is to transform communities by providing a safe and nurturing environment for children and families that facilitates Christ-centered spiritual growth, social development, and educational support. Our vision is to reach children, empower families, and transform communities for Christ.
Contact Name: Taylor Johnson
Mission Centers of Houston provides for the physical and spiritual needs of people living in Houston’s inner city. Through ongoing relationships, age-graded programs, and mission partnerships we change lives with the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus Christ. Our mission work focuses on the eradication of the effects of multigenerational poverty and homelessness in the Magnolia Park and Near Northside communities. We empower children and adults through Christ-centered programs aimed at providing food security, homeless assistance, age-graded educational and recreational programs, spiritual development, coordination of long-term disaster recovery services, and community development initiatives.
Contact Name: Jeff Chadwick
Email: jeff@missioncenters.org