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day 21


2 Corinthians 12:9 (ESV): But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

daily devotional

You are so good to us, Father. The knowledge that You are not against us should fill every human heart with such hope.

You can break every evil curse.

You can crush every evil assignment.

No matter what giant may come against us,

No matter what enemy may accuse or mock us,

You are the God who overcame it all!

Your power in us is greater than the sum of any weapon of every enemy.

Yet, Jesus, all too often, we fail to lift our eyes to where our true help comes from. Rather than lifting our eyes to the mountains where our help comes from, all too often, we look up just enough to focus on the mountain of pain, pressure, and problems we face. We find ourselves ravaged from the advances of the enemy and have allowed ourselves to become so blinded that we can’t see why.

  • Father, forgive us for too many times trying to fight on our own.

  • Father, forgive us for too many times looking to people and to lesser things to try and fix our situations.

  • Father, forgive us for blaming You for the circumstances of our sin, for the sickness of our world, and for the suffering we all endure because of our brokenness and rebellion.

We have become too self-confident and too self-reliant; at every turn, we find ourselves falling short of true freedom.

We have far too often built shrines to our sin while abandoning the altar of repentance. We have become confused, growing all too comfortable with the enemy’s assault, as if to think of it as some sort of twisted, friendly advance of aid.

In our victimhood, we have made idols out of our pain and self-pity, habits out of our lust for attention and affection; we have all too often, altogether traded our victory for idolatry.

We have looked at things like offense, pride, anger, lust, depression, materialism, greed, and even some of our hobbies (idols) as pets to cuddle with, rather than giants to battle against.

All too often, we have traded asking for the wisdom of Christ to settle on the self-help ideology of man. Our world today is far more in tune with Pornhub rather than the Proverbs, and too often, we are all too willing to choose a mindset of poverty over the knowledge of Your power.  

Forgive us, O God.

We have treated certain things far too casually when You desire us to be holy.

Yet, even with all of this, You still chose to die. For us.

Even with all of this, You still chose to die, in our place, to pay for our sin, to purchase us out of our slavery, and to offer us Your salvation.

You pulled us out of the pit and gave us Your promise.

Even with all of this, You are still for us.

Even with all of this, You are still so good to us, Father.

Again, the knowledge that You are not against us should fill every human heart with such eager anticipation and hope.

The truth is – You HAVE broken every evil curse.

The truth is – You HAVE crushed every evil assignment.

The truth is – No matter what giant may come against us and no matter what enemy may accuse or mock us, You are the God who made a way for us and overcame it all!

You have provided us the promise of Your Spirit – the very same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead – to live within us.

Your power in us is greater than the sum of any weapon of every enemy set against us.

Your power in us is greater than any and every assault or attack of the enemy.

Your power and truth in us are greater than any battle in the war waged against us.

Since we belong to You, Jesus, any and every battle is Yours.

We don’t fight from a position of poverty, but of power – Your power!

Today, we thank You that, as Your children, every foe we face is first Your enemy. Today, we thank You that, as Your children, every battle we endure is first Your battle. Every war waged against us is a war You fight on our behalf.

We are not alone; You are with us.

You are not against us; You are for us.

We can take courage to know that You love us, have good plans for our lives, and chose us, for such a time as this, and called us Your own. 

You are in this with us now; Father, we ask that You work in and through us. 

No matter what the season may look like, 

no matter what the situation may be, 

no matter what the circumstance, 

Thank You, God, that You are always on, and at, our side!


Thank you, Father, for this assurance today. Forgive me where I fail. Fill me with Your Spirit, Your love, Your wisdom, Your Word, Your power, and Your might. Surround me at all times and in every situation. God be before me, behind me, above me, below me, and to each side of me. I surrender myself completely, all that I am to all that You are. Fill me with faith. Give me eyes to see the strategies of the enemy, but may every scheme and strategy of the enemy fail, I pray, in Your Name. Thank You, Jesus, for Your love, grace, mercy, salvation, assurance, plan, and purposes. All things are for You, by You, and through You, including the entirety of my life.

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